Write us!
If you want:
- get informations about the software
- know how to...
- suggest requests to implement
or if you can:
- submit suggestions or informations
- report malfunctions
- tell your experience with AlgoBuild
- signal compatibility/incompatibility issues about specific hardware or software (*)
send us a message.
Special request to English speaking people: English isn't our mother tongue so, if you see erors, mistipping, or any mistakke please report it
(*) We develop AlgoBuild using Windows or Linux. We haven't try to run it under every Windows and Linux versions (!).
We're very interested to know how our software work under the most common home (and school) operating systems (Windows, Linux, Apple) and different machines.
Very useful are also experiences with Multimedia Interactive Whiteboard (up to now we tested SmartDraw e Hitachi).
We haven't try to use the software on tablet computers as iPad or similar.